Contempt of Cop

The non-crime known as “contempt of cop” is becoming punishable by death.  The surveillance video showing the horrific murder of Kelly Thomas has recently been released.  If you can stomach watching the video, you will see that Mr. Thomas’ only crime is that he failed to show the proper level of deference to the peace officer jack booted thug that weighed 100 pounds more than him.  For his insolence, they beat him severely and stood around as his life drained out of his bloodied 140 pound body.


Or, a California woman who is permanently blind while the police department says the force was justified…


In case you might be tempted to think this kind of police abuse is an isolated case, here is another expansive list for your consideration.  Another story here, here, here.

Another well known case, but one which most didn’t realize was contempt of cop was the Harvard Professor “beer summit” incident.  People remember Obama, the white cop (James Crowley), and the black professor (Henry Louis Gates) having a beer at the White House.  To the incident itself, black people tended to believe the white cop’s racism and profiling was the primary arrest story, while whites tended to believe it was a good cop just doing his job.  The real story was Gates was guilty of contempt of cop as he justifiably got angry that A) he was a suspect at his own house, and B) that these A-holes wouldn’t leave.  The arrest didn’t happen until Gates’ insolence hit the cop’s threshold.  From there, it is a simple matter of Crowley lying about an offense to justify the arrest.  The most common violations utilized are ‘disturbing the peace’ and ‘resisting or obstructing a police officer’. 

My personal encounter with contempt of cop came a couple years ago.  The manager of a local restaurant/bar and I had a disagreement and I, my wife, and our two friends quickly and peacefully left the premises.  Coincidentally, there were Deputies already sitting outside the establishment as this was their staging area as they prepared for their evening patrols of the local area of town.  The manager walked over to the Deputy and started explaining her side.  I was 3 steps back, and chimed in “that first part is true, but not the second part”.

The deputy very quickly told me to “shut up!”.

I calmly responded “That’s fine, I was just explaining my version.”

He angrily retorted “I told you to shut up, if you say another word I’m going to arrest you!”

Puzzled, I continued and asked calmly “Arrest me for what?  You can’t arrest me for talking.”

My lack of complete submission has the deputy really pissed off now.  His small brain comes up with the usual tactic that helps him gain citizen obedience, and he barks “OK, that’s it.  Put your hands behind your back!”.  I comply fully.  As he begins putting handcuffs on me, my wife, our two friends and a small crowd of people just a few feet away on the sidewalk are amazed at what is happening.  Handcuffs now on my wrists, I start chuckling. 

The deputy is confused, and asks “What’s so funny?”

I respond “You have absolutely no justification for arresting me.”

The deputy says “Yes I do, you were resisting arrest.  You stiffened your arms as I was trying to handcuff you.”

I laugh out loud this time!  “That’s all you got?!  You think that’s going to hold up in court when I’ve got at least three witnesses (wife, two friends) less than five feet away that will testify that I never resisted in any way, shape or form?”

This simple minded bully is fairly befuddled at this point.  He orders me to walk with him and his counterpart over to a squad car about 50 feet away from the crowd.  Away from the crowd now, “If you keep this up, we’re going to arrest you.” says the second deputy. 

Calmly, I respond, “You both know that you have nothing to arrest me on.” 

To which the first deputy responds honestly (and probably accidentally) “Well, we just can’t have you disprecting our authority in front of other people like that.”

I quickly, but politely respond “Really?  Would you mind showing me the actual law which states that fact?”.  The first deputy hangs and shakes his head, and walks away in frustration.  The second deputy stands near me, neither of us speaking, for the next 10 minutes as discussions with the restaurant manager and my wife continue. 

The first deputy returns and says “we’re probably going to let you go with a warning this time.”  The second deputy chimes in “yeah, it seems like his attitude has improved.”  At this point, I decide to keep it quiet and not take the risk that I might get a judge which is compliant in the monopolistic sham we call a justice system.  After being uncuffed, my wife, friends and I drive home with our night ruined.

Looking back, I got lucky things didn’t go a lot worse.  If I had been poor, or unable to show a knowledge of the law, or black, or in an area without witnesses this whole thing could’ve turned out a lot differently. 

My hope is the tragedy of Kelly Thomas and my small story help some people begin to question police motives/actions.  I hope people stop condoning and/or apologizing for these types of police abuse, and instead realize that law enforcement’s primary role is “peace officer”, and that they, like all people, must adhere to the natural rule of law.


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