Reason #38 why Ron Paul will not support Romney

To the interested observer, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are friendly.  Rick Santorum went as far as to accuse the two of them of teaming up against him and the other Republican candidates.  Mitt has also verbally expressed some level of support for auditing the Federal Reserve – –  a significant and long term goal for Ron Paul.  Ron’s son Rand has also endorsed Mitt, so it is likely only a matter of time before Ron Paul endorses Mitt as well?

The very interested observers know a different story.  Ben Swann, a champion for truth and liberty has been doing a great job explaining the Romney campaign’s theft of Maine’s convention delegates.  This interview provided a quick chance for Romney and Ryan to express their side of the story, but instead they gave the politician’s time honored equivalent of plausible deniability and “I am unaware of those particular details”

Anyone which cares about grass roots activism, states rights, and yes, even supporters of Romney should be worried by these events.  What if it was Rubio’s, Christie’s or another big named conservative who was having his supporters vetoed and replaced by an “annointed one”?  If the RNC goes this route, we might as well skip the entire delegate process entirely.  Conventions will simply be coronation ceremonies – – which is what Romney and the RNC big wigs apparently want.

But this is only one of the many reasons why Ron Paul will not support Willard “Mitt” Romney.  Mitt’s verbal support for the Federal Reserve audit goes as deep as his other principles, which is to say about as deep as a rain puddle on my driveway.  His (and Obama’s) biggest campaign contributors are Goldman Sachs and other other corrupt big banks.  They will never let their crony capitalist central planning cartel on fiat money creation be threatened.

Add that to the fact that Mitt supports the individual mandate inclusive within ObamaCare/RomneyCare, NDAA, TARP, presidential war powers without congressional declaration, the war on drugs, presidential kill lists,…and many many other items which directly conflict with individual liberty.

Ron Paul will NEVER endorse Mitt Romney.