Secession is a natural human right

You can listen to Lew Rockwell debate the subject with three state worshippers and get his points as to why it is a basic human right.

Here are a few discussion scenarios for your consideration (some from the video, some mine)

How does a person or group of people express their dismay with the construct to which they were born, and organize themselves in another manner better fitting their beliefs?

  • You’ll note the 3 statists give only two real options – – emigrate (leave) or armed revolution.  Their simple minds can not even begin to fathom any other possible peaceful method.  Even the moderator scoffs a bit at their attempt to include “democratic action” (aka voting) as a real, viable option for instituting substantive change.

Is the US a union of perpetuity with no peaceful, legal method for states to leave – – in fact, punishable by death if they try?

  • Is the concept of perpetual union noted/supported in the Constitution, Federalist papers, state constitutional convention meeting minutes,…or any other document?

What if the USA pushed to incorporate Canada as the 51st state?  And as a majority of American’s said yes, but Canada said “wait, we don’t want this!”  The USA responds “OK, we’ll let you vote too”.  The vote is counted and almost no Canadians vote in favor.  Most Americans vote in favor such that the vast majority of North Americans vote yea.  Across the continent, democracy and “majority rules” carries the day.  Would this method for incorporating Canada be considered legal and moral?

Is one world government the ideal?

  • Even most state loving sheeple in today’s world seems to cringe at that option…citing the obvious fact that a one size fits all solution would be a terrible idea.

If one rejects both the idea of a state sized as a one world government, and also the ability for an individual to be individually sovereign, how exactly do you clarify the proper state size anywhere inbetween?

And finally, it is generally accepted by the masses that a majority vote within sovereign state A, along with a majority vote within sovereign state B can be a peaceful, legal method for accession and/or reconstituting into a new State AB.  Doesn’t it stand to reason that the reverse would/should allow A or B to secede?  How do we handle secession/dissolution with other types of mergers (e.g. marriage)?

And finally, here is Tom Woods speaking about the historical and legal considerations related to affirming the right for states to secede from the United States.