The Final Solution – COVID19


Stay locked down, stay obedient, trust your overlords. Ignore all the other “noise”. We need to get more aggressive.

Ignore morality – – We should ignore the moral argument against using threats of jail/violence against the innocent and making tens of millions of hard working and healthy people imprisoned and jobless.

Ignore pragmatism and the “unseen” effects – – forget that the overall societal utility is less because of lockdown policy effects on economics, small businesses, struggling families, socially isolated seniors, overall mental health, physical health (poorer diet, less exercise, less sunlight, etc).

The “unseen” effects of Corona virus lockdown policies

Ignore the constitution and “rule of law” – – And, we should ignore our own country mantra that we supposedly live by “the rule of law” and constitutional limits.

“Rule of Law” is only a guideline during good times

Ignore alternatives – – We should ignore other options and doctors and the almost entire human history of battling viruses like this- – E.g. — Sweden policy today is closer to the norm for how almost every country had responded to previous outbreaks. It matters not that the “lockdown at all costs and indefinitely” policy that is abnormal and new.

Ignore the motives of the powerful – – Pay no mind to the fact or potential that the power elite which “don’t let a good crisis go to waste” might be using the lockdown to advance other goals other than those best for the individuals and masses. In the case of Bill Gates, he holds a Malthusian perspective that the world is overpopulated and utilizing too many resources, and thus is going to end due to C02/global warming unless we take drastic and immediate action. That drastic action includes massive population control and reductions, resource limits, and pretty much anything else. After all, his ethical beliefs maintain that the ends (saving humanity) justify whatever means are necessary. See this link which shows him and his cronies experimenting new vaccines on the poor 3rd world victims. These victims include the murder of unborn children, non-consensual sterilization of women, childhood paralysis and polio, and death. See this link (and also this video) which shows him and his family ties to population control, Eugenics and other evil. Ignore all that…Trust your elite overlords.

From a TED talk…how exactly do vaccines help reduce population?? Remember, he wants immediate C02 relief.
I’m sure Bill Gates has your best interests at heart…

Ignore the risks – – OK, sure, the government pays billions via VICP to the victims and their families due to wrongful deaths and injuries caused by the “safe vaccines”, but this should not concern you as you allow them to mandate new and any/all vaccines going forward.

Ignore that they moved the goal posts – – originally, the stated goal of the social distancing and lockdown policy was to “flatten the curve”. This meant the same quantity of infections and herd immunity, but that it was to be spaced over a longer period of time; the purpose being to not overwhelm the healthcare system’s capacity. We then very effectively changed the goal to “zero infections, wait indefinitely for vaccines, obey “. We started using terms like “this is the new normal”. Yeah…ignore all that too.

No photo description available.

Ignore the bogus stats – – we all know they inflated the COVID19 death counts. We know that other sampling results indicate the death rate is 0.5% or less. Ignore that too. You are too simple and uneducated (please don’t bring up that you went to our government schools/camps) to make your own risk and value assessments.

The Final Solution

We should adhere to a philosophy and political ethic that “saving one life will be worth it”. The government numbers of reported infection levels and deaths should be our guide. Furthermore,

Skip the current and wimpy US lockdown approach. Go straight to China-on-steroids. Weld/lock people in their homes. Drag the infected or suspected out and away from their families…shoot them, burn the bodies. Shoot anyone breaking curfew and quarantine without proper “essential worker” papers. Implant tracking chips into everyone to monitor full vaccines and regulatory/lockdown compliance at all times. Random house searches to identify any risks or rules broken. Numbers would be way down — oh heck, let’s do these things for any outbreak which may take a single life.