Libertarian Videos Worth Watching

Looking for some videos to expand your understanding of the philosophy of liberty?  Or maybe you are debating a family member or friend and want that one great video to have them watch and consider? Below are some excellent videos well worth your time!


George Ought to Help – A video against tax funded “charity”

The Philosophy of Liberty – A fantastic 9 minute video highlighting Self Ownership and the Non-Aggression Principle

Voluntaryism Intro – A quick 3 minute video explaining Self Ownership, Non-Aggression Principle and the logical result into Anarcho-Capitalism/Voluntaryism

Stefan Molyneux – the story of your enslavement

Tom Woods at his finest – the libertarian speech he gave to preach both to potential converts and also the choir


The Tale of the Slave – Tom Woods provides a verbal overview of Nozick’s 9 stage slave scenario.  At what point does this stop being a tale of slave?  The question is almost rarely asked, and almost never answered.

Jacob Spinney’s “The State is not great” – It’s a little under an hour, and he does an awesome job of addressing statist talking points. His logical progression, articulate arguments, and catchy soundtrack makes this a great video for Liberty

The Non-Aggression Principle – 9 minute overview and clarification of how and why the NAP should be at the center of our political ethic.

Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve – An eye-opening 40 minute video explaining what government has done to destroy our money, transfer wealth from the poor to the wealthy, and aggressively grow its own power and scope in the process.

Imagine Chinese Troops in the USA – a Ron Paul video explaining foreign policy from the golden rule perspective

Charlie Chaplain: The Great Dictator – a brief, older and inspiring video calling us to action

The American Dream – an entertaining cartoon explaining the history and true nature of central banks and the Federal Reserve

Ron Paul “What if” Remastered – philosopher, prognosticator, and truth teller

Ron Paul’s farewell speech to Congress – things are not good, and will only change if we change the hearts, minds, and morality of the people.  Government is most definitely not the answer, but almost always the root of the problem.

Stefan Molyneux – answering Jon Stewart’s 19 tough questions for libertarians

I, Pencil – six minutes to highlight the free market miracle that is something as seemingly simple as a pencil

Prohibition – “The Flower” video is a great short video highlighting the hypocrisy and inhumanity of marijuana prohibition.


How Anarchy might work – A pragmatic/utilitarian perspective for covering law, courts and police

1 Comment

  1. I just had an idea, I just had an idea, while listening to u both chat. Is it fair to say that : as peploe in the world, tho lets say, US, get more and more hungry, and suvival becomes more and more challanging, that peploe must become more and more atuned to reality as a means to survive and thrive. while at the same time elite continues to run out of goodies, and trust from the public and economical power, and so must lie and lie more such as and the crashing addict. = ppl are becoming less vulnerable to lies?

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