Ann Coulter wrong again

Ann Coulter to Conservatives: The s**t sandwich known as Romney actually tastes good.

Besides being a horrible human being which suggested we should intentionally kill innocent men, women, and children (all muslim of course), Ann Coulter also is a lousy propagandist.  In a recent article, she goes on the offensive against Gingrich and tries to portray Romney as a true conservative.

Epic Fail.

First, let’s start with a point of agreement.  Newt Gingrich is a horrible man and horrible candidate.  Her only good line of the article is because she borrows from Jon Stewart

Gingrich may have spent his entire life in Washington and be so much of an insider that, as Jon Stewart says, “when Washington gets its prostate checked, it tickles [Newt],”

It goes downhill quickly from there.

“Romney only has one flip flop”.  Bzzzt!  Wrong.

Obama’s stimulus, individual mandate, TARP, Auto bailout, emulating Reagan, gun rights, global warming to name just a few more.  Don’t take my word for it, listen to Romney in his own words.

“If the Tea Party stands for anything…”  This election cycle has killed the Tea Party.  That promising but tentative alliance of fiscal conservatives and friends of small government is finished.  It was killed when it made the short sighted and fatal mistake that “Anybody But Obama” (ABO) its only criteria for selecting a Republican nominee: big government Romney vs big government Gingrich. 

“…he [Romney] is the most conservative candidate.”  Bzzzt!  Wrong.

A few quick points why Ron Paul is easily more conservative.

  • Shares conservative value towards free markets, low spending and taxes, and low regulation: Ron Paul wins by a landslide.
  • Shares conservative values towards key social topics (pro-life, pro-gun rights, keep government out of healthcare,…etc):  Ron Paul wins by a landslide.
  • On foreign policy it is mixed.  The Neocons go to Santorum/Newt/Romney as they favor the continuation of aggressive warfare.  The traditional conservatives which believe in a strong defense but reject the pursuit of being the world’s police force; they go for Ron Paul.

Additionally, even using the most hawkish definition of Conservative, doesn’t Rick Santorum fit that description better than Romney?

This weak attempt to paint Romney as a true conservative is truly nothing more than an attempt to convince the Republican masses that the s**t sandwich known as Romney tastes better than the s**t sandwiches known as Obama or Gingrich.  Even George Soros agrees that Romney and Obama are very very similar.

“Well, look, either you’ll have an extreme conservative, be it Gingrich or Santorum, in which case I think it will be a make a big difference which of the two comes in,” he said.  “If it’s between Obama and Romney, there isn’t all that much difference except for the crowd they bring with them.”

From a strategy perspective, I believe ABO is fundamentally flawed as noted by a recent historical example.  In 2004, GW Bush was very unpopular.  The liberals had the Anybody But Bush (ABB if you will) doctrine and decided to nominate an uninspiring yawn (John Kerry) who also had a fair amount in common with Bush.  They lost easily.  Republicans are about to repeat this mistake.


  1. Ron Paul is right on about smaller gomrvneent and I do believe he would drastically cut useless, bloated gomrvneent programs. I do however have serious reservations about his stance on foriegn policy. I can’t believe his implications that America is responsible for 911 as we are sticking our noses in the business of other countries. Yes, we need to stop being the world’s policeman however he went too far. Terrorists are responsible for 911 and that is it. Ron Paul hooked up with Barney Frank to form a committee to cut budget defense ..Nobody with a brain or a heart should ever hook up with a sleeze like Barney Frank.. 11 out of the 14 advisors picked by Ron and Barney are linked with George Soros. What is wrong with Ron Paul??? Once, I liked him alot, but his approach for foriegn policy is out of wack.

  2. I’m a Republican and I am far from being rich! I drive an 8 year old car, live in a duplex and ceilranty don’t shop at Tiffany’s! I live from paycheck to paycheck, but my bills are paid. Is that rich?Are you people so dim witted that you don’t know there are also rich democrats??? Hard to believe the idiocy of some of these questions!Why don’t you ask Michelle Obama where she shops, or Nancy Pelosi, or Harry Reid, or George Soros? Or Richard Trumka? Soros probably owns Tiffany’s!

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