Two more reasons to dislike Newt Gingrich

Just in case you needed a few more…

Below is a video of Newt Gingrich repeatedly praising FDR as “the greatest president of the 20th century”. Yes, that’s correct, the man trying to present himself as a true Conservative loves the socialist Roosevelt. The same Franklin Roosevelt which violated almost every aspect of our Constitution and economic liberty, interned Japanese Americans, and lied and provoked the Japanese so he could drag our country into war.


And since praising one horrible president isn’t enough for Newt, he also compares himself to Woodrow Wilson. The president which brought us the scourge of the Federal Reserve, federal income tax, and lied to get the USA into WW1.

1 Comment

  1. I came away form last night’s sit-down with Newt and Cain with the same impression- Newt and only Newt is qeufiliad to be our next President. He schooled Cain pretty good there. I did a quick article on it this morning expressing my views on the volume of important information we can glean from last nights sit-down. I asked everyone to watch the C-SPAN video of the whole event, as it is that important in showing the voters just who could really get our entitlements under control with true conservative principle application like Newt is proposing. Newt also tells the hard truths the PC cowardly candidates refuse to tell, like re-installing the work for welfare programs Newt drew up in the 90 s.

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